
About Us
St Mary of Charity, along with all other Church of England churches, is currently unable to offer our usual range of services as a result of Covid-19. Services on Sunday mornings are being streamed on the church's YouTube channel (a benefice channel) and are available to view at any time. You may also wish to follow the church's Morning and Evening Prayers.
St Mary of Charity is open
(from 11am until 2pm on Wednesdays) for private prayer, but please do sanitise your hands on entry and before leaving, wear a mask which covers both your nose and mouth (unless you are medically exempt), observe the two metre 'rule' and keep your distance from other worshipers or visitors.
The church is a diverse community with a lively and mixed congregation who participate in traditional and contemporary worship.
A significant number of people are engaged in home groups and other social gatherings that are both spiritual and social, including children and young people.
Others care for our significant Grade I listed building and promote mission through heritage and tourism.
We hope you will find a welcome whatever the purpose of your visit and we invite you to allow some time to connect with the history and spirituality that speaks of engagement with God both in the past and present.
Our aim is to promote the church as a 'sacred place' at the heart of the community that is as accessible to as many people as possible.
Visitors to the church can be assured of a friendly welcome, whether exploring the treasure of its history, wishing to take part in one of our variety of services or seeking a quiet place for private prayer.
It is our aim that St Mary of Charity remains not just a reminder of the past but a vital part of the modern community for the future.
Our vision is to encourage diversity of opportunity for Christian worship and broaden access and use of the church by offering a range of activities.
These pages provide some information to help you, but if you cannot find what you are looking for please contact the parish administrator or the appropriate contact from the contacts page.